User 4d1e43e1a9
06-12-2010 08:52:58
Hi guys,
We would need the structures in V2000 format in the sdf file. I looked through the forum and now I'm a bit confused about the latest version of Marvin if it works with this format or not. Please help me If I can export from any Chemaxon software an sdf file with V2000 compatible structure format and if the answer is yes, then how.
Thank you in advance,
ChemAxon e500b51457
06-12-2010 14:22:01
Dear Denes,
In Marvin Sketch you can export your structure from the File menu / Save (or Save as) menu item. Enter the file name and set the "Files of Type" to "MDL SDFile (*.sdf, *.sd)".
You can find more information under the following location:
MolConverter is a command line program in Marvin Beans and JChem that converts between various file types. You can find more information under the following location:
/>You can create an SDF from molfiles with molconvert:
molconvert sdf *.mol -o molecules.sdf