How to add unspecified backbone between two groups?

ChemAxon 0265132c1a

02-12-2010 16:44:03

This comment was added to the Marvin, Calculator Plugin and Chemical Terms Demo page:

"How do I add an unspecified backbone between two groups?"

Thanks for answering her!

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

05-12-2010 20:03:26


What do you mean by "backbone"? The backbone of aminoacids? Please detail your question a bit more.



User ebc7a87868

06-12-2010 10:12:27

Hi Akos,


Yes I do mean an amino acid backbone, but if the two residues that are important and are taking part in the reaction are a long way apart, how do you show they are linked without putting in the detail of whats in between.


ChemAxon 990acf0dec

07-12-2010 09:23:36


Do you mean that the two residues ar so far that you cannot or don't want to connect them with a bond? You might use attach data to indicate the connection, but if you want to turn it to a real bond later, you have to process it yourself (actually, several companies use this trick for representing bonds that cannot be described with the available bond types).

For more details on attached data, pease read the following page:

I hope it helps.

Best regards,
