User ee508a317e
30-11-2010 11:34:54
I am trying to define "Ahx", aminohexanoic acid, as a custom amino acid. When I do this I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.molLoaded(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.molLoaderFinished(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
Here is the line from my <userhome>/.chemaxon/custom_aminoacids.dict file:
X(Ahx) X(Ahx) [NH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2][CH2]C=O 1 7
X(Aib) X(Aib) [CH3][CX4]([CH3])([NX3])C=O 4 5
I have also specified Aib (aminoisobutyric acid) as a custom amino acid and this works fine. But with Ahx I get the exception above.
Can anyone explain why this should occur? Although I am a novice with Smarts format it looks okay to me. I did wonder whether in the API code there is any chemical intelligence like checking that the amino group is adjacent to the acyl carbon?
I should mention that I am setting MSketchPane via:
MSketchPane.setMol (String mol, String format) and using "peptide" as the format
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
30-11-2010 12:45:18
Hi Tim,
Although I am not an expert in the custom aminoacid definitions, I tested it, and it seems that the second "x" character causes the issue. If you change the name to X(Ahz) for example, then it works fine.
Best regards,
User ee508a317e
30-11-2010 17:04:41
Hi Akos,
Okay yes worked around the issue as you described. Thank you.
I guess strictly this is a bug as there doesn't seem to be any intrinsic reason why this restriction should exist.
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
30-11-2010 21:52:40
Hi Tim,
Yes, I think so too. We will fix this issue.
Best regards,