molecules as pictures not clear with JChem 3.0.12

User dfeb81947d

07-06-2005 14:04:50

Dear Support,

I upgraded JChem from 2.1 to 3.0.12.

But the molecules converted to png are now less clear and sharp with JChem 3.0.12 than JChem 2.1

I use the same code for the two version.


OutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream();



is there a way to put the molecules wires darker in the pictures.

Or is my way to create pictures not the proper way?

thank you very much for your help.

Best regards


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

07-06-2005 15:03:22

Switch off antialising to get sharper image. See the "noantialias" image export option:

OutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream();



User dfeb81947d

07-06-2005 15:32:19

thank you for your fast answer,

but it seems that molecules even with with noantialias option are still less clear ans sharp the in JChem 2.1.

Are there difference between the generation of png in JChem 2.1 and JChem 3.0.. I guess so, but on the renderer of drawing line and symbols?

Kind Regards,


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

08-06-2005 14:24:42

Yes, both molecule cleaning and image export are improved since JChem 2.1.

User dfeb81947d

09-06-2005 08:47:45

without using anti-aliasing, are there other possibilities to play with sharpness and clearness of the pictures to be created from the molecules?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

09-06-2005 12:13:01

I suggest you to play with the size of the images.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-06-2005 11:20:55

By the way, we plan to rewrite line drawing of Marvin. I hope it will solve your sharpness problem.

User dfeb81947d

16-06-2005 08:00:15

thank you very much, I'll get back to you when testing the new release of JChem and Marvin.

best regards,
