How to embed MarvinSketch in html page using Applet tag

User 873a9ae9d0

09-11-2010 20:05:09



I try to use the <Applet> tag to embed Marvin Sketch in a html page.

From what I found in the examples both of the following should work:

<applet CODEBASE="../../.." ARCHIVE="appletlaunch.jar"
        CODE="JMSketchLaunch" WIDTH=540 HEIGHT=480></applet>

<applet CODEBASE="../../.." ARCHIVE="jmarvin.jar"
        CODE="JMSketch" WIDTH=540 HEIGHT=480></applet>

(This assumes that the html page is in a subdirectory of the marvin binaries)

In both cases I get an ClassNotFoundException when I open the html page. I assume the class in the CODE attribute is wrong.

Can someone please provide a simple example that use the APPLET tag to embed the Marvin sketcher in a html page. I need to call Marvin API functions i.e. I need to use the APPLET respectively I can not use the marvin.js utility file (this works for me)

Another important question:

What files do I need to put in my local directory to be able to open a html page that embed MarvinSktech. I want to keep that list as small as possible !

Any help or feedback is highly appreciated 


User 873a9ae9d0

09-11-2010 20:16:04


found the problem. Mea culpa !

Never post a question before checking if the problem is already known !

Found the identical problem in the forum. As I did assume the class in the CODE attribute was wrong.

The correct syntax is (since I use Marvin 5.3.8)

<applet CODEBASE="../../.."  ARCHIVE="jmarvin.jar" CODE="chemaxon.marvin.applet.JMSketch" WIDTH=540 HEIGHT=480></applet>

Sorry for the unnecessary post




ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-11-2010 10:24:09

The minimal set of resources for running Marvin applets is the package. See linking forum topic: required files to run Marvin applets.