
03-06-2005 08:45:15

[From a user email...]

What exactly are your rules for aromaticity perception? I am interested in the programmatic rules embedded in JChem so that I can predict whether JChem will treat a particular bond as aromatic or not.

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

03-06-2005 08:50:20

We provide two different aromatization algorithms:

1. ChemAxon type(in-house method):

Locate all rings in the molecule under a limit (Eg: ring size < 18).


   If the ring is aromatic set the bonds to aromatic.

until aromatic rings found.

The ring is aromatic if:

●   ring size > 4

●   the atoms in the ring

    ●   are  B, C, N, O, Si, S, Se, Te, P, As,

    ●   has max 4 ligand

    ●   has 1 double bond in the ring

    ●   or has no double bond in the ring but the atom can donate electron or free orbit

●   4n +2 Huckel law is fulfilled


●   has only aromatic bond

●   azulene type

2. Daylight type(aromatization similar to the one used in the Daylight toolkits and DayCart):

is implemented according to:

03-06-2005 10:13:31

Why is the following structure with 22 pi electrons not aromatic in JChem/Marvin?

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

03-06-2005 10:15:05

Chemaxon type:

Only ring size under 18 atom is considered during the calculation. This limit can be increased in the API.

Daylight type:

The daylight method works on SSSR so this molecule and even more the following one is not aromatic according to Daylight.


(Tested on canonical SMILES generator:

03-06-2005 10:20:01

Why is the bond shared by the size 7 and 5 rings aromatic? I would think that only the outer size 10 ring bonds are aromatic.

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

03-06-2005 10:22:53

Special rule is introduced to treat this ring system as aromatic in ChemAxon type aromatization.

The reason for this:


"An interesting non-benzenoid aromatic compound is Azulene, which has large resonance energy and a large dipole moment."

User 870ab5b546

03-06-2005 23:28:51

guest wrote:
Why is the bond shared by the size 7 and 5 rings aromatic? I would think that only the outer size 10 ring bonds are aromatic.
You can draw a series of strongly contributing resonance structures in which one of the C atoms in the 7-membered ring is cationic and one of the C atoms in the 5-membered ring is anionic. In many of these resonance structures, the ring-fusion bond is written as a double bond. So it is perfectly appropriate to treat that bond as an aromatic bond when aromatizing azulene.

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

06-06-2005 06:02:16


Thank you for the confirmation!
