Line command PDF output from MarvinView

User a91791b1df

21-09-2010 19:19:37

I'd like for MarvinView to output directly to a pdf file from a linux line command line option. I can not find reference to doing this in the manual. Does that mean it can not be done?
Terry Stouch
Consultant, Protein Data Bank

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

28-09-2010 13:11:22

MarvinView only visualizes structures. If you like converting or exporting structures in command line, use the molconvert tool.

User a91791b1df

06-10-2010 16:11:31

Tamas wrote:

MarvinView only visualizes structures. If you like converting or exporting structures in command line, use the molconvert tool.

Thanks, Tamas.

Mview displays a nice graph of 2D line drawings of the input molecules. It has a menu option File/Print/Print\ to\ PDF that outputs the table. This is the function that I'd like to do via line mode.

In the molconvert documentation, I don't see any mention of 2D line drawings or PDF.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

06-10-2010 17:11:00

PDF is among exportable formats that Marvin applications accepts. It means that MolConverter also support PDF (vector graphics) export.

molconvert pdf:w400,h400 mystructure.mrv -o mystructure.pdf

See export options in the linking documenation: PDF export in Marvin