User 0ccd249401
07-07-2010 11:33:27
How can I get (extract) reagent molecule or product molecule separately from reaction that was drawn in Marvin control?
User 0ccd249401
07-07-2010 11:33:27
How can I get (extract) reagent molecule or product molecule separately from reaction that was drawn in Marvin control?
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
08-07-2010 09:17:20
Hi Jane,
It is possible by using the RxnMolecule class:
Best regards,
User 0ccd249401
09-07-2010 06:00:02
How to set to RxnMolecule class instance the reaction that I have drawn in Marvin Control? Methods GetReactant() & GetProduct() are not overloaded? If it will be GetReactant([molecule from Marvin Control]) it's will be greate, but it is not that.
Can you help me with some example (C# )?
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
09-07-2010 11:03:13
Dear Jane,
from the gui component you need to get the rxn in Molecule or string format, if you get it in string format you should import it, otherwise the only thing you need to do is to type cast the generic Molecule class returned to specific (polimorphic RXNMolecule).
string solution:
// deseriaqlize reactant molecule by ChemAxon API
_rxnMolecule = (RxnMolecule)MolImporter.importMol(_rxnData);
RxnMolecule _rxnMolecule;
if you have the RxnMolecule in the memory you need to check the interface in our online documentation
getProduct | Gets a product. | |
getProductCount | Gets the number of products. | |
getProducts | Gets all products in an array. | |
getReactant | Gets a reactant. | |
getReactantCount | Gets the number of reactants. | |
getReactants | Gets all reactants in an array. |
getAgent | Gets an agent. | |
getAgentCount | Gets the number of agents. | |
getAgents | Gets all agents in an array. |
if you would like to write code handling the components as generic Molecules please use:
getComponent | Overloaded. | |
getComponentCount | Gets the number of reactants, products or agents. |