ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
04-06-2004 13:32:27
Marvin applets are not the same as appletlaunch.jar or jmarvin.jar, Marvin also uses other resources.
Any packages below contain all required files to run Marvin applets:
The binary distribution (marvin-bin-@[email protected] or marvin-bin-@[email protected]) contains all files necessary for using MarvinSketch and MarvinView applets without HTML pages and examples.
The whole distribution (marvin-all-@[email protected] or marvin-all-@[email protected]) contains all files necessary for using MarvinSketch and MarvinView applets, as well as the documentation and examples.
(@VERSION@ is the version number of the Marvin, e.g.: 5.4.2).
Download page: