Drawing tricky structures

User 8139ea8dbd

21-05-2010 22:21:21

It seems MarvinSketch does not allow a wedge bond to be used (red circle) (I draw it use ChemDraw), because it does not think there is a chiral center. Suggestions? Thanks.

ChemAxon e500b51457

24-05-2010 08:34:55


We have a long weekend due to our national holiday here, but my colleagues will answer you soon.


ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

24-05-2010 12:32:56


This is an allene like chirality type which is not handled correctly in the checker.


ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

24-05-2010 13:05:02

Do you mean you cannot draw a wedge bond there or you just get the wedge bond highlighted as error (by the WedgeErrorChecker)?

User 8139ea8dbd

24-05-2010 15:49:10

Sorry for the confusion. I can draw, but The SMILES obtained from the drawing does not contain stereo information, i.e., the wedge information is lost upon subsequent operations.

ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

24-05-2010 19:59:35


This allene like chirality is not yet supported in SMILES.

Until we support it please use an other format (like mrv) to save the molecule.

Thank you


User 8139ea8dbd

24-05-2010 20:46:01

Thanks. Just tried it. Yes, mrv format will preserve the wedge. jc_equals, however, will treat the two isomers (solid wedge and hashed wedge) as identical structure. I understand this is a difficult case, so I just want to check on forum, in case there is sth. else I missed. Thanks.

ChemAxon a3d59b832c

25-05-2010 11:40:54

Hi Yingyao,


I just confirm here that this kind of stereochemistry is not supported in JChem, that is why jc_equals reported that the two stereoisomers are the same.


Best regards,
