A Couple of Applet Problems

User 2f90e3514b

20-05-2010 16:38:03

MarvinSketch team--I recently tried loading an unsigned applet (unsigned via unsigner.sh) and it appears to be broken. The applet hangs on the "Applet is loading...please wait." screen.

The applet works fine on Windows, so the problem may be my Java version. I'm on Mac OS X 10.5.8, using the default Java version. Not a huge issue, but I just wanted to alert you to the problem.

On Windows, however, I've been having a separate issue recently. While using Firefox in conjunction with a page that has an MS applet on it, I get a warning message about "unsafe components" and "signed and unsigned code." You probably knew about this already, and again, it may be Firefox's fault, but I wanted to bring the issue to your attention.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

21-05-2010 09:16:51

MarvinSketch team--I recently tried loading
an unsigned applet (unsigned via unsigner.sh) and it appears to be
broken. The applet hangs on the "Applet is loading...please wait."

The applet works fine on Windows, so the problem may be my Java
version. I'm on Mac OS X 10.5.8, using the default Java version. Not a
huge issue, but I just wanted to alert you to the problem.

Thanks for report this issue. We will check it. Have you found any error message on (Java) console of OS X?

On Windows, however, I've been having a separate issue recently.
While using Firefox in conjunction with a page that has an MS applet on
it, I get a warning message about "unsafe components" and "signed and
unsigned code." You probably knew about this already, and again, it may
be Firefox's fault, but I wanted to bring the issue to your attention.

Yes, we know about this problem. Java 1.6.0_19 and later version does not accept to load non-signed content if the main class is in a signed jar. We have created a workaround for this problem that is already available in current Marvin version (5.3.3). You can read more about it in the following topic:

JRE 1.6.0_20-b02 security issue with Marvin Sketch