How to create my template?

User d68ef9d5a9

13-05-2005 17:52:35


I have seen new version of MarvinSketch's drop-down menu of "Insert" "Template" contains "My Templates", but don't know how to use it.

I understand I can create any template with sdf file in a file format "t" in marvin directory, so that I can dynamically load the templates if "tmpls#" parameter is assigned in MarvinSketch applet. But if there is easier way to do so, I am willing to take the easy route, especially if this new option actually allows users to directly create thier own templates.

Thanks for your time.

Ben Li

ChemAxon 43e6884a7a

13-05-2005 18:49:07

benli wrote:
I have seen new version of MarvinSketch's drop-down menu of "Insert" "Template" contains "My Templates", but don't know how to use it.
Select a molecule and drag it into the My Templates dialog. If you right-click the template and select Properties, you can assign an abbreviated name to it, which can be used to access the template from the keyboard.

See the end of this movie:

User d68ef9d5a9

13-06-2005 15:29:31

As I mentioned in my previous message., I had seen my template option in template menu. But I don't see this in Marvin 3.5.7 anymore. Where is this option in the newest version, and how can I create my template in the newest version?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

13-06-2005 15:45:46

You can find the answer to your question in the following topic: