problem in using marvin applet

User 7c5d5fc97e

26-02-2010 21:51:33

I try to develope web application

I have one problem

In linux using apache

[ overall process ]

main_page.html (marvin sketch) -> my_substructrueSearch.cgi( using my db molfile ) ->

file save( mol file ) ->  view_page(marvin view)


I was expected to see a saved molfile but I saw incorrect structures by marvin view in view_page

So, I examined the saved molfile but molfile is correct..

furthemore I can see the molfile by using  DS viewer.

why did the problem occur in web  ? how to do?

thanks for your help



ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

27-02-2010 13:20:17


it is hard to tell from this information what the problem could be.

Is it happening for the first time also, or only after a few times?

How is the molecule being set into MarvinView? A code snippet with MView options could be useful.

If this is happening only after a few molecule saved, then the structure that is being shown in MarvinView is the result some of the previous operations?
