User a52f97d128
09-05-2005 15:35:08
Using the clean 3d method (jchem v3.04), we have some trouble with conformers having an oxy function. For example, according to our chemists, atoms in functions such as (C=O)-O-X (ester, carbamate ...) the four atoms should be in the same plan. They are not in conformers generated. Is that normal ?
User a52f97d128
10-05-2005 08:04:31
Dear Odon,
Thank you for your answer.
"I always say that if someone really wants accurate structures than optimize also the structures with some quantum chemical method. I suggest at least B3LYP/6-31G(d) level"
Here is the code I use in java programs to retrieve conformers :
CallbackIface mm = (CallbackIface)MarvinModule.load("Clean3D",null);
Object o = mm.callback("calcConformers",d2);
conf = (Molecule[])o;
I know there are options for 3D cleaning, but I did not find documentation in the api (the link in MoleculGraph, method clean, "cleaning options" does not seem to work). Where may I find some docs about cleaning option and the use of, for example, B3LYP/6-31G(d) level ?
User a52f97d128
10-05-2005 12:19:27
Dear Odon,
- Do you know approximativly when this bug (ester and amid not plan) will be resolved ? (point pretty critical for us)
- When will the MM parametrization (amber, Gromos) availble ?
User a52f97d128
11-05-2005 08:21:10
Hi Odon,
Looking some conformers more closely, we found that, on the molecules we looked at, only two differents conformers were generated. For example, if ten conformers were generated, nine are almost superposable with only tiny differences, and only one is different from the nine others.
- Is this normal ?
- Is is possible to get documentation about how, using dreiding energy, you generate conformers ?
- Is there some option of the clean 3d we can use ?
User a52f97d128
11-05-2005 10:01:31
Dear Ödön,
Thank you for your answer. However, it does not help us totally. We are interesting in getting some information on the way you generate the different conformations. Which method are you using (systematic, Monte Carlo, ...)?
Apparently, there is no method to filter similar conformations. Am I right?
It is also strange that only two different conformations are generated even if several degree of rotation are present in the molecule (for example an alkyl chain with more than three carbons). Do you have explanation on this?
It is not clear for us in your answer if there are options for the Clean3D method. Could you give us more details on this?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Frederique & Vincent