Miscellaneous bugs in 4.0 alpha

User 870ab5b546

09-05-2005 14:27:23

After cleaning in 3D:

• I cannot select electron-flow arrows by clicking on them with the Select tool. I can only select them by drawing a box around them.

• I cannot select a whole structure by double-clicking on it.

• When I copy a picture and paste it into Word, the molecule appears partly or mostly off the edge of the picture's boundaries.

If I then clean in 2D, all these problems are solved.

As I drag a molecule, a gray rectangle the size of the Marvin window appears and is dragged along with the molecule. It disappears when I release the mouse, but it's an unpleasant feature.

I see that option-drag on a selected structure to create a copy of it has not yet been implemented. Bummer.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

09-05-2005 19:36:18

Dear Bob,

I have checked each reported issue.

- 1. (electron-flow selection): I have not managed to reproduce it.

- 2. (selecting of whole structure by double-click): It works fine for me.

Can you explain us how you managed to do these?

- 3. (coping the image of the structure to Word): Yes, it was a bug. When the molecule was rotated in 3D, some parts of the structure was out of the picture's boundaries. We have fixed this bug. I built a new pre-release that includes this bugfix. http://www.chemaxon.hu/shared/alpha

- 4. (gray rectangle at dragging of the structure): I haven't found any problem in drag and drop. Please give us more info about your software environment (OS type / Java version) where you found this problem.

- 5. (copy by drag and drop): We haven't implemented this feature yet. It is on our feature request list but I can not promise to solve it until Marvin 4.0 release.

Best regards,


User 870ab5b546

10-05-2005 00:23:44

Tamas wrote:
Dear Bob,

I have checked each reported issue.

- 1. (electron-flow selection): I have not managed to reproduce it.

- 2. (selecting of whole structure by double-click): It works fine for me.

Can you explain us how you managed to do these?

Hm, now I can't reproduce these bugs. OK, never mind. If I find them again, I'll let you know. The problems usually come after I do Rotate in 3D.
Tamas wrote:
- 4. (gray rectangle at dragging of the structure): I haven't found any problem in drag and drop. Please give us more info about your software environment (OS type / Java version) where you found this problem.
MacOS 10.3.9, Safari 1.3.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-05-2005 15:50:00

OK, I will debug the drag and drop issue.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

11-05-2005 16:42:39

As I drag a molecule, a gray rectangle the size of the Marvin window appears and is dragged along with the molecule. It disappears when I release the mouse, but it's an unpleasant feature.
It is an OS X specific Java bug. Now, we have not got capacity to search a workaround for this problem.

User 870ab5b546

11-05-2005 16:52:05

OK, it's not a big deal, just a little annoying.

User 870ab5b546

03-05-2006 13:13:30

Tamas wrote:
- 5. (copy by drag and drop): We haven't implemented this feature yet. It is on our feature request list but I can not promise to solve it until Marvin 4.0 release.
Hi Tamas,

This feature is still high on my wish list.

-- Bob

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

08-05-2006 14:18:53

Hi Bob,

I am dealing with this issue. In first view, it seems to be a OS X specific Java feature.

If you select something in a Swing component and drag it into another one, Java draws (automatically) a rectangle around the dragged object and move it together with the mouse to signs that you drag something. The dimension of this rectangle equals with the size of the source component.

I will check there is any workaround for this issue.

User 870ab5b546

08-05-2006 16:30:07

Actually, I was referring to the feature of making a copy of an item by selecting the item and then option-dragging to a new location. This feature works in almost every program that I know of except Marvin.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-05-2006 20:55:41

It seems that I misunderstood you previously. We are already working on the option-drag issue.