No Double and Triple Bonds in MarvinSpace (2)

User 25d107bd42

17-02-2010 15:41:27


while seeing the new ChemAxon homepage, I was remembering an old topic about a problem with double and triple bonds in MarvinSpace:

This failure is still present, see attached image. But, while there is a workaround in original MarvinSpace to display at least double bonds, there is no possibility to do this in the in MarvinSketch inserted subversion "View - Open MarvinSpace". Nearly all options you have in the original version are lacking in the subversion.

While the MarvinSketch options "View - Open MarvinView2D" and "View - Open MarvinView3D" give nice images having all bonds in correct display, see attached image, there is no need to have "View - MarvinSpace" included.

Please delete this dangerous option from the MarvinSketch menu. It gives wrong information for students and other users.

Regards, Hans-Ulrich

ChemAxon 8b644e6bf4

22-02-2010 12:11:51

Dear Hans-Ulrich,


Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider your request.


