User 870ab5b546
06-05-2005 20:40:46
When the Bond button is selected, the first time you click on a double bond, it changes to a single bond. Each subsequent time you click on a double bond, it changes to a triple bond.
This behavior is annoying. It should be consistent regardless of when the button is pressed. I would rather see the following:
single -> double -> triple -> single
Single-click moves forward one step, double-click moves forward two steps.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
07-05-2005 02:38:52
We will consider your request.
User ef5e605ae6
07-05-2005 06:37:10
It is better to minimize the number of clicks. Single bonds are created at least an order of magnitude more frequently than triple bonds. Hence it is more effective to associate only one click to single bond creation and two clicks for triple bond, than a random number of clicks for anything. Moreover, the current behavior is so consistent and simple that even a blind user could use it (supposing that he has a mute helper who leads his mouse over the bond but cannot tell its order). It is not a good idea to change it also because users are accustomed to it.
User ef5e605ae6
07-05-2005 15:42:57
You are right, something is wrong. Originally (Marvin 1.0 to at least 3.0) it worked exactly this way:
Quote: |
Single click on double/aromatic or triple -> single |
It was messed up sometime between 3.0 and 3.5.5. I will fix it. Quote: |
Double click on double/aromatic -> triple
Double click on triple -> double
The issue is not which rule applies. The issue is consistency regardless of when the user has last pressed the Bond button. |
Triple click is needed for triple bond. It is consistent, the rule is the following:
1st click to anything else than single bond -> single bond
2nd click -> double bond
3rd click -> triple bond
User ef5e605ae6
08-05-2005 02:06:57
I fixed it and also implemented half of your fourth rule. Rules:
- First click on single -> double, second click -> triple
- First click on double -> single, second click -> triple
- First click on triple or aromatic -> single, second click -> double, third click -> triple