User 73531e86ff
10-02-2010 13:13:43
We have come across a case where SMILES datasets are being labelled with isotopes on atom types defined as 'ANY' i.e. [1*]. This is being done to preserve attachment points following some processing.
This causes some issues when rendering these with JChem.
Firstly, when this [1*] is attached to an aromatic atom, the bond is changed from single to 'aliphatic or aromatic' bond type.
Secondly, all terminal bonds in the rest of the molecule are given an '(A)' label.
The attached image shows an example using smiles [1*]c1ccc(C)cc1. If it is changed to [1*]-c1ccc(C)cc1 it fixes the first issue. Removing the istotop
- c1ccc(C)cc1 produces a correct image (but without the isotope information).
We may decide to migrate what scripts we can to use atom map labels instead. I believe this would be cleaner i.e [*:1]c1ccc(C)cc1 - plus it doesn't have these rendering issues in JChem. I can't see any other way to retain this information using vanilla smiles.