User 870ab5b546
09-02-2010 14:06:48
What is the difference between the color and lineColor of an MObject such as an MPolyline? If I set the color to red but the lineColor is already set to black, then the object appears black, not red. Why?
User 870ab5b546
09-02-2010 14:06:48
What is the difference between the color and lineColor of an MObject such as an MPolyline? If I set the color to red but the lineColor is already set to black, then the object appears black, not red. Why?
ChemAxon e500b51457
09-02-2010 21:35:58
Hi Bob,
My colleague Eva is on holiday until Monday, she will answer to you as soon as she is back.
ChemAxon 12eab24e0a
15-02-2010 14:41:19
Hi Bob,
In MPolyline the object is drawn with the "color" unless "lineColor" is
set. Thus if "lineColor" is defined, "color" has no more meaning in
case of MPolyline/MRectangle/MEllipse/MBracket etc. It has only sense
in case of MTextBox, where "color" is the color of the text,
"lineColor" is the color of the bounding rectangle.
User 870ab5b546
16-02-2010 18:17:30
If color and lineColor have distinct meanings only for MTextbox, then I suggest you use only one of them for all MPolyline classes other than MTextbox. In other words, have setColor() simply call setLineColor(). The way you have it now is extremely confusing.
I note that the GUI allows the user to set the lineColor of an MPolyline, not the color.
ChemAxon 12eab24e0a
19-02-2010 10:44:18
Thank you for the advice, you have absolutely right. At the moment it
works, but as soon as the company will have capacity to solve all these
problems, it will make an effort to do that. Thanks again,