User 5fbed0c6cb
04-02-2010 12:58:50
I have a simple program with Sketch applet. I am trying to get inchi from Sketch. However it returns "null" with a window "Marvin Caught a security exception" displaying "Error: Marvin cannot load a module, a template or a molecule file .........."
function getformat()
alert("Format = " + document.MSketch.getMol("inchi"));
<applet id="appl" CODEBASE="./" ARCHIVE="appletlaunch.jar" CODE="JMSketchLaunch" WIDTH=760 HEIGHT=300 NAME="MSketch"></applet>
<input type="button" value="Click" onclick="getformat()" />
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
05-02-2010 16:05:43
Yes, we know about this problem. See the linking topic:
Marvin Firewall error message when using Marvin applet
It is the shortcomming of JavaScript.
The problem is that inchi import/export working into a temporary directory on your local machine. When you call inchi import/export from JavaScript, The security manager of Java does not access file system operation since the request was received from an untrusted content (JavaScript). If you do inchi import/export inside the Marvin GUI (applet), it works fine since the request is invoked from the applet that is a signed trusted content.
We have some ideas how to modify Marvin applet api to avoid this security issue. We plan to implement it till Marvin 5.4.