implicit hydrogens in marvinsketch

User 4f619b2bf5

21-01-2010 07:12:47


I read some other posts that we were going to be able to remove these implicit hydrogens by going to the Structure > Remove > Remove Explicit Hydrogens option.  When I tried that, it did not remove the hydrogens from my structure.  I even tried to highlight the entire structure thinking that that would do the trick, but it did not.  It is kind of frustrating when I want to view the structure without the hydrogen at all.  Couldn't you guys make it an option in preferences to turn implicit/explicit hydrogens on or off? Anyway, how do I resolve my problem?  Thank you in advance for your help.


ChemAxon 40e8f9506d

21-01-2010 08:00:23

Dear Roberto,

the Remove explicit hydrogens options converts explicit hydogens to implicit hydrogens. That is, what you have drawn as -O-H (with a bond between O and H) will look as -OH (without a bond). To "switch off" these implicit hydrogens, you have to use the View -> Implicit hydrogens -> Off. Then -OH will be displayed as -O.


Regards, Annamaria

User 4f619b2bf5

21-01-2010 08:18:31

Thank you so much.  I  must have overlooked that option.  Again, thank you.



User 0c4ec0a203

05-09-2013 17:45:19

The problem with  the View -> Implicit hydrogens -> Off option is that it doesn't seem to actually remove the hydrogens.  It just makes them no longer visible.  I need a way to totally remove them.  I'm trying to draw the two common structures of bisulfite.  Sorry to comment on such an old post.  

ChemAxon 2c555f5717

06-09-2013 08:03:34

Dear Jbrew!


   Switching Implicit Hydrogene visibility on or off is only a visibility option. I attach a picture where I tried to draw the structures I have found on wikipedia. I have drwn this with all implicit hydrogens visible, but I had to change the valance of the atoms to get rid of some implicit hydrogens. I also attache the source of the drawing.

   I hope it helps.



ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

06-09-2013 08:30:15


Could you explain me please  why is not enough that you cannot see these hydrogens?

