User 870ab5b546
04-01-2010 19:47:45
When I try to launch MarvinSpace from MarvinSketch 5.2.6, either on my installation or yours, I get an error:
1/4/10 2:41:51 PM [0x0-0x33b33b][29047] /Users/bob/.chemaxon/lib/jogl_1.1.0-rc2/libgluegen-rt.jnilib: no suitable image found. Did find: /Users/bob/.chemaxon/lib/jogl_1.1.0-rc2/libgluegen-rt.jnilib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
I would give you the rest of the stack trace but I'm unable to copy/paste it.
When I try to launch my own desktop version of MarvinSpace, it too fails to launch, saying installation was unsuccessful. It directs me to, which doesn't exist.I downoaded it with MarvinSketch 5.2.4. When I ask it to send a reoprt, it produces this in an email message:
What's going on?
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
06-01-2010 11:19:30
Hi Bob,
Do you use 64 bits java on a 64 bit architecture?
User 870ab5b546
06-01-2010 12:57:55
I am right now using MacOS 10.5.8 on a 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.
Interesting. On my work computer, where I am now, MarvinSpace (desktop app or viewer from MarvinSketch) launches. On my home computer, where I was writing yesterday, I could not launch either MarvinSpace 5.2.4 or 5.2.6 as desktop apps, or MarvinSpace Viewer from MarvinSketch. My home computer is also MacOS 10.5.8 with an Intel chip.
At least one other experienced Marvin user (Phil from Illinois) was unable to launch MarvinSpace yesterday as well. I don't know whether he was trying to launch a desktop or applet version. He's also a Mac user.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
06-01-2010 16:41:36
Bob, please run the following applet/application on your machine.
Platform Detector
It gives info about your Java. Its result would be useful for us to check the reported issue:
User 870ab5b546
06-01-2010 16:44:05
On my current machine, where MarvinSpace works, it says,
Mac OS X 10.5.8 (arch: i386)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.5.0_22 (vendor: Apple Inc.)
I'll run it at home this evening. My home computer is a few months newer than my work computer.
User 870ab5b546
06-01-2010 23:08:05
My home computer says,
Mac OS X 10.5.8 (arch: i386)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.5.0_22 (vendor: Apple Inc.)
User 870ab5b546
11-01-2010 14:17:36
Any advice on how to fix this problem? It clearly has something to do with the JOGL files that came with my system.
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
21-01-2010 15:07:28
Hi Bob,
It's really puzzling, I don't have a clue. We are aware of the 'limitations' of the jogl loader in marvinspace, and we will work on that by the next release as we have received numerous bug reports related to this issue recently.
Your situation is somewhat different though, since mspace does work on one of the two identical HWs and OSs.
Have you tried to run mspace in verbose mode, using the -v flag in the command line? It does provide a brief report about the library loaded etc. This might be interesting for us to see on both of your machines.
Perhaps, deleting the jogl files in the .chemaxon/lib/jogl_1.1.0-rc2/ folder in your home directory might help. The mspace installer checks if jogl files are present in this directory, and if yes, then loads them from there. If not, then it installs them first (i.e. copies them from an internal folder to .chemaxon...). If, however, these jogl files are inconsistent (either GL version, or OS version, or architecture etc. mismatches) then one may experience similar problems that you encountered.
I know it's not much and not too tangible... We will try to put JOGL installation on new basis in one of the next versions of Marvin. It'd be rather straightforward if we used java 1.6 exclusively, but to maintain 1.5 compatibility is more challenging.
User 870ab5b546
22-01-2010 01:04:53
mvargyas wrote: |
Perhaps, deleting the jogl files in the .chemaxon/lib/jogl_1.1.0-rc2/ folder in your home directory might help. The mspace installer checks if jogl files are present in this directory, and if yes, then loads them from there. If not, then it installs them first (i.e. copies them from an internal folder to .chemaxon...). If, however, these jogl files are inconsistent (either GL version, or OS version, or architecture etc. mismatches) then one may experience similar problems that you encountered.
Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, this simple step solved the problem. MarvinSpace 5.2.6 launched. Amazing.
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
27-01-2010 15:14:39
I'm glad that the magic spells worked so well.
User 870ab5b546
27-01-2010 15:16:46
I'm sure it was the Hungarian fairy dust that you sent me and that I sprinkled all over my computer that really did the trick.
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
27-01-2010 15:26:14
If you've got some of the fairy dust remained, please send pinch of it to other users as this kind of jogl native library loading problem have become more frequent recently.