User 1ad95dc0ec
29-10-2009 15:45:24
hi i was wondering how to make a bond cis or trans with the dashed and wedged bonds? please help!
User 1ad95dc0ec
29-10-2009 15:45:24
hi i was wondering how to make a bond cis or trans with the dashed and wedged bonds? please help!
ChemAxon 8b644e6bf4
29-10-2009 16:17:06
Simply draw the double bonds ligands in the desired configuration (see ). You can check the recognition of cis/trans situation by displaying e/z labels (see )
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask them
User 1ad95dc0ec
29-10-2009 18:49:59
is there a button i can use to make them wedged or dashed that i am not seeing?
ChemAxon 8b644e6bf4
02-11-2009 04:15:17
You can draw wedge/dashed bonds by right clicking on the bond in question and select Type in the popup menu or set the desired draw type in the scrolldown menu of the Tools toolbar.
However dashed/wedge bonds currently determine tetrahedral stereo (R/S) not Cis/Trans: by setting a chiral atoms chirality (right click on the atom, select Stereo / R/S / R or S) the connecting bonds will be automatically modified to reflect the set chirality.