User ba49837d10
02-10-2009 09:37:47
how can I generate in msketch a carboxylate moeity -COO- with the minus charge delocalized over the COO group. I generate -C(=O)(O-) group and save as a mol2 file but I get an error License note found for charge plugin.
First question, is there a way to define a delocalized bond
Second question, I understood that I need an additional plugin but will this solve my problem.
Thanks for your answer
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
05-10-2009 12:44:25
For the first question: there is no delocalized bond in MarvinSketch yet. You can use single/double bond definition instead. but it will not solve the charge issue. For that you can create a generic group and select to display the charge on the bracket. (See attached file).
For the second question: if you have Charge plugin license, then the calculated charges will be saved in MOL2 format, otherwise the formal charges.
Best regards,