User 677b9c22ff
01-10-2009 22:36:11
If I paste a molecule and want to change the valence to (-1) on an -OH group
it will not remove the O-H hydrogen, but give a valence error and create C-OH(-).
Only if I delete the -OH group and then change the valence to (-1) it will remove the hydrogen
and give the correct charge of -1.
The same happens if I change a single bond to a double bond by double clicking. Instead of
removing the hydrogens it shows me an valence error. If I redraw, its fine, it will at least on the
outer methyl bonds remove the hydrogen, but not on the inner CH2 groups.
Is there a way to delete hydrogens? Even if explicit hydrogens are on, I can not remove the
hydrogen, they are stuck to the carbon or oxygen. This is MarvinSketch
Test molecule: