Silent Installation & upgrades

User 5d01fe091c

07-09-2009 12:29:32


We are trying to roll out Marvin across a number of computers (using Microsoft System Center Essentials (SCE)) using the silent install option -q on the Marvin exe.  This works fine if Marvin is not installed on that computer, but fails if it is (at whatever version), e.g. 5.2.3 installed already causes silent install through SCE to fail. 

According to the Install4j (which is what we believe you are using to create the installer?), there is an option to overwrite an existing version, however this seems to have no effect.

We are currently testing the roll out over 20 PCs, but aim to roll it out more widely if this is successful, so any ideas how to solve this would be welcomed!



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

07-09-2009 12:33:13

Thanks for reporting this issue. We will complete this lack of the installer in the future.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-02-2010 15:51:43

We have fixed this issue.

Since Marvin/JChem 5.3, installer runs fine also in silent mode (-q) in all cases.


marvinbeans-5_3_0.exe -q