ChemAxon 89bfcec588
22-08-2009 05:49:36
Dear Marvin team -
Following query is on behalf of our client, Dr. Marshall Pope.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<prism.Question [2]: OLE objects and Access 2007
I'm trying to use the Marvin OLE server in an Access 2007 form
to display chemical structures. I can copy Marvin Object from MarvinView
and paste it into an Access form, but the OLE type is set as
"embedded" and I need it to be set to "linked" so that I
can load .mol files. I tried "object.Action = acOLECreateLink"
to try to force it into linked mode, but it didn't work. Is it possible
to use the Marvin OLE server to display .mol files loaded by file name?
Or is there another way to get the object to display data that is different
than what was initially copied in?
prism.Question [2]: OLE objects and Access 2007