User 111f46f5ab
26-06-2009 20:14:47
Can the MarvinSketch and MarvinSpace applets run on mobile web-aware devices like iPod Touch or iPhone, Blackberry etc?
This question came up today while discussing educational applications of e-tools. Since these mobile devices have web browsers, we wondered if the Marvin applets would work if they were included in a web page viewed on an iPod Touch.
Just curious...
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
30-06-2009 13:17:26
Hi Phil,
Sorry for the late answer. Unfortunately, it is not possible, because the java version that can be installed on these devices is too basic, and cannot run Marvin applets. The situation with MarvinSpace is even more difficult, because it needs more features to be supported by the java on the mobile device.
Best regards,
User 348e44f632
10-07-2012 21:29:44
Have there been any new developments in re. MarvinSketch for mobile devices, such as android tablets?
maya binun
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
12-07-2012 10:05:16
Dear Maya,
The good news, we are currently working on a javascript based Sketcher which can run on touch screen devices. According our rough estimation it will be released next spring.
Best Regards,