User 9165ccbbae
08-04-2009 19:48:15
Hi I am really sorry if this has been posted before or if it is a stupid question but I have been looking for a way to do this and I just can't see the wood for the trees. Could someone please tell me how to add a custom atom label. For example I would like to represent a alkoxy group as OC12H25 on a structure but I can not find the way to do this.
Thank you for your help and I a really sorry if this has already been posted and I missed it.
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
08-04-2009 20:40:32
User 9165ccbbae
08-04-2009 21:13:02
Thank you for the fast reply. I folloewd your instructions and managed to greate the contraced label however the bond is made to the centre of the text label. can it be made to bond to the oxygen rather than the center of the txt. It seems like a very long winded method to complete a task wich is so simple in other software.
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
15-04-2009 12:41:49
Sorry for the late reply, I just realized that I still have to answer this topic. Apologies.
Presently it is not possible to set left names and right names to labels of S-groups (althoughthey are available for the default set of abbreviated groups), so the bond is connected towards the center of the label. We plan to redesign the template handling in version 5.3, and along that line we will probably implement this feature as well.
Best regards,
User 9165ccbbae
15-04-2009 16:00:00
Hi Akos,
It would be a great feature. I have had no end of trouble with chemdraw on my mac and i really like marvin sketch as an alternative. If this feature was incorporated I think it would be possible to move the whole research group over from chemdraw. At least for me I can work in marvinsketch just as fast as in chemdraw with the exception of to be able to type formated chemical shorthand into atom labels it would make marvin sketch perfect. It is something that supramolecular chemists use alot I think particularly where long hydrocarbon, perflourinated or ethylene oxide spacers are used it is not possible to represent the structure in a clear mannner for publicaiton without it. I would be happy to test this feature at anytime I have access to many machines running different versions of OS X and windows.
All the best and thank you very much