jmsketch postImage method

User 7ac94cf33b

07-04-2009 19:30:32


I am having an issue with the postImage method. When I call the method no data is posted and no error is thrown.  I am testing using Marvin 5.2.0, when calling this method in previous version of the applet I am prompted with an options dialog from the applet.  Is this method deprecated?




ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

08-04-2009 21:03:54

Yes, we have already known about this issue. We will check it what can be the problem.

User 7ac94cf33b

09-04-2009 02:09:14

Is this issue documented as a bug and slated to be fixed or is it just a known issue with an unspecified path to a release?

Do you know of any workarounds? 

It seems like this method is the only way to capture any annotations directly on the image as opposed to storing a smiles or molfile and rendering the image without any annotation on the image.  Any insight you could provide would be especially helpful, since this functionality is critical to my current project and I would have to seek alternate methods or software to accomplish this.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-04-2009 14:59:14

We have a task about it with low priority.

We recommend you the following workaround. Retrieve the molecule source from the applet with JMSketch.getMol(String) and post it to the server where you convert it into image with the help of Marvin Beans API (MolConverter). I suggest to use the MRV format because it is the most descriptive format (it includes also display settings).

We have several examples about it (sending molecule to the server where image is generated): Image Generation Using Marvin Beans.