Marvin 5.2 footprint

User 83c8dbce58

30-03-2009 02:57:55


Is Marvin 5.2 by any chance larger in size than the previous version? We just added 5.2 to our SureChem portal ( The first time one loads it takes 2 to 3 MINUTES to load up. Thereafter it is faster, but takes between 11 and 25 seconds every time we load a page that has MarvinSketch embedded in it.

Last year I had heard ChemAxon was going to release a 'light' version of MarvinSketch in Nov 2008. What's the current status with that?



ChemAxon 990acf0dec

30-03-2009 14:42:01

Hi Nicko,

We tested the SureChem portal to see which jars are loaded before the applet appears, and checked their size in 5.1.3_2 and 5.2.0 (see the details below), and found that the size difference is not significant at all.

Is there any other jar which is loaded in your new environment?

Best regards,



jmarvin.jar: 822324

sjars/sketch.jar: 1084113

sjars/aloe.jar: 25089

sjars/periodicsystem.jar: 5773


jmarvin.jar: 1060395

sjars/sketch.jar: 878933

sjars/aloe.jar: 25089

sjars/periodicsystem.jar: 5606

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

31-03-2009 22:12:45

Hi Nicko,

We have tested the load of Marvin on your site from four different computers, both yesterday (when your site had Marvin 5.1.3_2) and today (already with Marvin 5.2.0), and did not found significant differences on any computer: In both cases the first load (after deleting the java applet cache and the browser cache and the offline website data) took 20-25 seconds, and the additional loads took 7-8 seconds.

For reference, there is also no difference between 5.1.3_2 and 5.2.0 with the applet examples on ( and, respectively), although it is twice faster there: In both cases the first load takes about 9-10 seconds, while additional loads takes 4-5 seconds. The difference might be related to the bandwidth I think (but could not find the mentioned 2-3 minutes in any case).

Regarding your question on Marvin "'Lite": We are working on a development that will end up in a modular version of Marvin. In this version only a few features will be downloaded with the initial loading of the applet, so we expect that it will be significantly faster. After the applet is loaded, the most frequently used features will be loaded in the background with low priority (actually the basis of it has already been developed, and implemented in Marvin 5.1.6, and will be released in 5.2.1 as well). All additional modules will be loaded on demand. The modules to be loaded immediately, in the background, or on demand will be able to be customized by the user.

This development requires an intensive refactoring of Marvin, so we plan to finish it completely only by the end of the year, but even until that, intermediate results will be released as soon as they ready.

Best regards,


User 83c8dbce58

31-03-2009 23:03:16

Thanks for the update and for checking on our site. The first time I downloaded MarvinSketch 5.2 it required 65 seconds on IE and 58 seconds on Firefox respectively. Since then load times tend to vary between 7 seconds and 25 seconds. We look forward to 5.2.1.
