Exception on solaris

User 2d94675c91

27-03-2009 06:48:02

Hi I am Atul from IMC,

we are facing a issue with marvin on solaris server which is according to our understanding abotr x11 graphics error. Exception throws when system calls marvin applet which internally calls chemaxon.marvin.paint.internal.molpaintercommon and we are getting exception is there anything that needs to be done as far as configuration stand point for solaris? This is very critical issue.

Thanks in advance.

ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

27-03-2009 22:11:09

Dear Atul!

Thanks for reporting this problem.

Please send us more information about the Exception you get.

A stack trace, and the Solaris, Java and Marvin version you use would be useful. Furthermore, a description about the steps you have made when you encountered the problem, would be a great help for us too.

Thanks for your help and sorry for your inconvenience,


User 2d94675c91

30-03-2009 09:26:32

WebSphere Platform 6.0 [ND cf270815.03]  running with process name cellDevCon\nodeManagedApplejacks\serverPD2 and process id 29699

Host Operating System is SunOS, version 5.9

Java version = 1.4.2_16, Java Compiler = null, Java VM name = Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM

Marvin version : 5.1.0

Also attached is the exception log

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

30-03-2009 18:10:53

Dear Atul,

Which Marvin package do you use (applets or beans)?

In your first comment, you mentioned that Marvin Applet is called when the error occured.

I believed that you run a Marvin applet from a web browser. By taking a look at the attached stack trace, it seems that the Marvin Beans API (MolExporter) is called from your custom code.

Is it an application in which Marvin is integrated?

If my assumption is correct, this application runs on a machine where the graphical interface (X11) is not available. But Java expects that GUI is active.

In the documentation, you can find instructions how to set your java to avoid this problem.

Is there a way to generate image without opening a display?

Linking topic on the Marvin forum: generate image without opening display