Copy and Pasting Mechanisms Appear Hazy in MS Word

User 518a032588

16-03-2009 22:53:14


I used Marvin Bean 5.1.5 and OSX 10.4.11.

I've noticed that whenever I select a compound that I've drawn and copy n' paste it into work, the quality appears to get worse. I'm not sure if it's because I scale down the pictures once they are in Word i.e. click and drag corners to make the image smaller.

I've tried zooming in on Marvin then copy and pasting to prevent having to 'scale' it in Word but I get the same result. Does anyone have any clues how I can get about this?

Also, as a side point, I tried to draw tautomers today and I noted that I can only insert one resonance structure arrow per slide on Marvin Sketch. This seems to also apply for reaction arrows and equilibrium arrows. Does anyone know how I can get more than one arrow??

Thanks in advance for your help, I know you guys should be able to crack it.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

18-03-2009 07:04:39

Can you send a snapshoot about the paste result?

Under Mac platform, Marvin does not support the copy of vector graphics to the clipboard. It can place only raster (bitmap) image there.

The raster image is a resolution dependent picture representation. Thus you cannot scale to an arbitrary resolution without loss apparent quality. This deficiency contrasts with the capabilities of vector graphics, which is scalable without distortion and preserve apparent quality after resize.

User 518a032588

19-03-2009 10:05:37

Yeah that seems to be what is happening.

When I paste the picture without rescaling it, the quality is fine.

I'll get a copy to you ASAP, but do you know of any way around this? and will this be worked on for future versions of Marvin?

Thanks for your reply

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

23-03-2009 15:13:55

I can suggest the following woarkaound:

Save structure into EMF or into PDF format then insert it into Word (Insert ->Picture). In this case, a vector graphics will be pasted into your document that is scalable.