stack trace error for mview_param tabScale

User 62a37f4796

16-03-2009 14:41:46

I'm getting a stack trace error when I put mview_param tabScale in the following configs:



          mview_name = "MView";

          mview_begin("/marvin/", 300, 200);


          mview_param("molbg", "#c1d7e8");

          mview_param("editable", "0");

          mview_param("detachable", "false");

          mview_param("menubar", "false");

          mview_param("importEnabled", "false");

          mview_param("navmode", "rot3d");

          mview_param("rows", "1");

          mview_param("cols", "1");

          //mview_param("autoTabScale", "false");

          mview_param("tabScale", "28");

          mview_param("addRemoveHatomsEnabled", "false");

          mview_param("explicitH", "true");

          mview_param("implicitH", "all");

          mview_param("viewCarbonVisibility", "inChain");

           mview_param("cell0", "|CCC");



// -->

I'm getting a similar error on the example page at:

What gives? This is straight out of the docs.

Product Version:    MarvinSketch 5.1.4

Build Date:        2008-12-18

Operating System:    x86 Windows XP 5.1

Java:        Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 1.6.0_12

Memory:        63.6M maximum, 42.9M total, 14.8M free

Environment:    Trusted Applet (with administrator rights)

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

16-03-2009 18:31:01

I could reproduce it with your given code but not with the referred online example.

We will check it what can cause the problem.