scale/autoscale for mview_param?

User 62a37f4796

16-03-2009 13:19:21

I want to control the scale of a single molecule displayed in a single MView  window, so the table scale/zoom options don't apply (in fact the browser crashes when I try).

I'm looking for the corresponding options in MView from MSketch:

          msketch_param("scale", 28);

          msketch_param("autoscale", "false");

I can't find any docs/discussions on this topic.

Does the feature exist by another name?

I'm trying to have one editable (MSketch) and one non-editable (MView) window side-by-side in an HTML table. For it to look consistent, I have to scale the structures in the same fashion. How do I achieve that?

Product Version:    MarvinView 5.1.4

Build Date:        2008-12-18

Operating System:    x86 Windows XP 5.1

Java:        Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 1.6.0_12

Memory:        63.6M maximum, 56.2M total, 22.6M free

Environment:    Trusted Applet (with administrator rights)

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

16-03-2009 18:18:07

The "scale" parameter works in MarvinSketch applet. The following example demonstrates it (autoscale is needless in this case):

User 62a37f4796

16-03-2009 19:15:43

The "scale" parameter works in MarvinSketch applet. The following example demonstrates it (autoscale is needless in this case):

I know it works in MSketch. I need the equivalent for MView. As far as I can tell mview_param("scale", "28"); doesn't work and is not documented. Small molecules get blown up (autoscaled?) too much for what I need the app to do.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

16-03-2009 20:02:25

Sorry, I did not read carefully your question.

In MarvinView, "scale" parameter does not exist. Instead of that, use tabScale and winScale parameters.

My experience that "tabScale" does not work properly in current release. We will check why.

ChemAxon 909aee4527

18-03-2009 09:58:11

We also registered the request for a maxscale parameter similarly to that of msketch.

ChemAxon 909aee4527

09-03-2010 15:37:29

Correction in my previous post: the maxScale parameter is not necessary in mview, because the tabScale parameter prevents overscaling small molecules.

We fixed the problem with the tabScale parameter, the fix will be released end-March (5.3.2).

You will need to use

mview_param("tabscale", 28);