zoom of structures

User 247a2c5018

13-03-2009 08:31:27

Dear support,

With MarvinSketch, I draw 2 structures. I would like to increase the size (zoom) only one structure. But When I try to select and zoom one structure, the 2 molecules are zoomed.

Can you help me?

ChemAxon 909aee4527

13-03-2009 08:48:05


the zoom factor does not effect the molecule coordinates, but the view itself, thus the only possible way to use different zoom factors for two structures is to use two windows of MarvinSketch.

You can also use MarvinView with 2 cells that allows different zoom factor for each cells.

There is no way to change the molecule coordinates themselves by scaling or zooming.

Kind regards,


User 247a2c5018

13-03-2009 09:42:25

For the same case, with Isis Draw, we can zoom on the same window, one structure where the second structure remains at the initial size.

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

16-03-2009 10:09:16

Hi Kiet,

Currently it is not possible with Marvin. You can increase bond lengs only by draggin the atoms one by one.

To be able to increase/decrease the size of a structure separately from the other parts of the sketch is already on our feature request list, but it requires a significant development, since if we implement it, we have to implement several additional features at the same time (e.g default bond length for each separate structures on the sketch, handling the merging of structures that are scaled differently, handling the scale factor in templates, etc.). So unfortunately this feature is not among the highest priority feature requests presently.

Best regards,
