User 870ab5b546
05-03-2009 14:03:23
Neither F7 nor command-F7 brings up the transform-in-3D tool in Marvin 5.0 or 5.1. I need to go to the menu. I'm using an iMac, MacOS 10.5.6.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
05-03-2009 16:43:13
Do you use applet or application?
I recommend to update to latest Marvin. Several bug has been fixed since Marvin 5.1.0.
User 870ab5b546
05-03-2009 16:48:19
<!--StartFragment-->I used 5.1.5 on your Web site (applet). I used 5.0.6 on my desktop (application). I used 4.1.13 in an applet.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
09-03-2009 17:05:13
I could not reproduce this issue although I've tried out several Marvin versions on the same platform.
When the MarvinSketch window processes the focus, shortcuts are enabled (also F7). To be sure whether Marvin receives the focus, click on the sketch canvas.