Dot-disconnected formula not working when fragment in group

User 9d72be7cd4

19-02-2009 20:46:06

We have many "salt" molecules, with K+, HCL, etc. as fragments.

In order to ease entering some of the larger substructures such as B-F3K+ we've created shortcut groups.

The structure is correct, but marvin returns a bad dot disconnected formula for any fragment that is contained in a group.


The attached molecule should have a dot disconnected formula of:

Dot-disconnected formula =C6H7BF3N2O2.K

But, if BF3K is part of a group, Marvin gives the formula as:

Dot-disconnected formula = C6H7BF3KN2O2

Even if expanded.

If expanded and UNGROUPED, it becomes:

Dot-disconnected formula = C6H7BF3N2O2.K

Seems like a bug. Any ideas?

Our users have gotten used to using Marvin to return the correct formula, yet in all cases where a SALT or fragment is part of a group, the dot disconnected formula is not right.

Nolan M.

Frontier Scientific, Inc.

ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

24-02-2009 09:24:21

Thanks for reporting this problem, it could be reproduced. We will fix it soon (not in 5.2)

ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

26-02-2009 16:14:48

The calculation has been fixed in version 5.2 coming out in a couple of days.