how to modify toolbar menu groups

User 62a37f4796

26-01-2009 14:51:19

I am trying to create a customization.xml file to limit what students can see and do with the embedded MSketch applet.

I would like to remove the Double Reaction Arrow and the graphicalSingle Arrow. I would also like to move the Equilibrium Arrow to the fist block,away from the resonance arrow. (There's another discussion thread going on as to why this should be so.)

I have gone through the GUI to remove the "Double Reaction Arrow" from the various menus, but I can't seem to figure out how to change the most prominent one: the one residing in the toolbar on the left of the sketch area.

Using the instructions from the customization document provided by ChemAxon I cannot figure out how to modify tools inside toolbar groups.

Is it possible to do this with the ChemAxon supplied tool groups or do I need to create my own tool group?

Either way, I could not find any documentation. I would appreciate any pointers in this respect.

ChemAxon 909aee4527

28-01-2009 12:32:45

Dear Michiel,

currently it is not possible to modify existing or define new action groups.

You can only place the buttons individually on a toolbar in case the default groups are not suitable.

We indend to support custom action groups in the near future.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,
