MarvinView Copy&Paste Problem

User 4ceb4fe234

15-01-2009 08:47:24

Hi everybody,

I just tried the copy & paste functionality in an MarvinView applet (Version 5.1.4, for example). Everything works fine as expected. But each copy and each paste use starts an external process name "MARVIN~1.EXE" (I'm using Windows XP) that never terminates.

With about 20 or 30 of those processes my machine is getting really slow. Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce this error on another machine.

Can you give me a hint?

Best regards


User f52820d97e

15-01-2009 09:00:13

I don't know if it is the same problem, but when I paste something from another program (marvinview, chemdraw...) into MarvinSketch it takes a good 30s, which is really annoying

I have JChem 5.1.4 on WinXP with the SunJDK 1.6.0_11-b03

ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

15-01-2009 14:18:45

Dear Helge!

I've tried to reproduce the problem you explained. I've noticed, that the first paste operation takes some extra time on my machine, which is caused by the classloader, which downloads extra jar-s from the server, and make the interpratation of data pasted. After the first paste the applet works for me fine, and i don't see extra processes or threads neither in the task manager,nor in the java vm used by my browser.

I've used Firefox 3.0.5., and 1.6.0_10-ea Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM to testing with our example page, on a Windows Xp Professional with SP3. 2GB RAM, and Intel Core2 T7200 @2GHz processor.

Could you send me some more specifications about the environment you're using, and some hint about the network bandwith, on your pc?

Because i didn't managed to get extra processes it would be helpful too if you could send me the exact steps you do when copying and pasting into or from the applet.



ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

15-01-2009 14:22:56

Dear Nicolas!

It would also be useful if you could send the information about your environment too. Altough the problems possibly not connected to each other, it might help.



User f52820d97e

15-01-2009 14:32:29



Intel Core 2 CPU

6400 @ 2.13GHz

2.00 GB RAM

JChem 5.1.4

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_11-b03)

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

15-01-2009 17:50:33

As I remember, in old Marvin versions, there were multiple OLE server instances that really slowed down the machine. But this issue has been solved when we reimplementated of the OLE server (5.1.0).

Probably an old OLE server instance is still alive in your Windows registry that causes the problem.

I suggest to uninstall Marvin Beans and then delete the following entries (if they exist) from the system registry:

(entry for old OLE server)

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MarvinOLE.Document (entry for new OLE server)

(You can edit the registry by the following way: Type "regedit" command into the command prompt, jump to the proper entry, take a right click on it and select "Delete" option.)

Then, launch an Office application (like WinWord) and check the Insert/Object list.

If neither "marvinOLEServer.Document" nor "MarvinOLE.Document" is in the list, it indicates that clearing the registry was successful.

After then, install Marvin again.

If you follow the above instructions, you can be sure that only the latest OLE server is active on your machine.

User 4ceb4fe234

16-01-2009 07:18:33

Hi Istvan, Hi Tamas,

thanks for your help. I found an old installation of MarvinBeans (5.0.0) on my machine. After uninstalling MarvinBeans the Registry Entries you mentioned were gone.

And the Copy & Paste actions in the marvin applets work as expected without leaving marvin executables hanging around afterwards.

Thanks again and have a nice day!


User f52820d97e

16-01-2009 12:11:19


I also tried it, deleting the two keys from the registry. I see no slowdown anymore, it's as quick as it used to be.

But now I can't register the OLE server anymore! I tried uninstalling everything (also the %user%/chemaxon folder) with no luck... It's not a very big deal because I didn't use the OLE server really (I use OpenOffice primarily), but still...



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

16-01-2009 12:28:40

Can you give more details? What is the error message?

Does it require jvm.dll?

If yes, the problem may be that the JRE\bin\client folder is not in the PATH (where JRE is the location your Java folder). Theoretically, installer writes the above entry into the system PATH (if current user who launch the installer has got administrator privileges). Please check whether it is present in the PATH: type echo %PATH% into  command prompt.

If it is OK, please try to register OLE Server manually: open MarvinSketch (or MarvinView), select Edit/Preferences dialog and push "Registration" button on the OLE server panel in the dialog.

User f52820d97e

16-01-2009 12:52:43

Indeed, I had cleaned up the PATH and jre/bin was there but not jre/bin/client

So I could register the OLE server from MarvinSketch (Edit/Preferences... OLE Server)

Fortunately, it did not change anything for the speed of copy/paste, but I can't paste a structure as a OLE Object in Word 2003, it tells me that the memory is insufficient (after a while freezing). And now I cannot unregister the OLE server manually from MarvinSketch, only by deleting the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MarvinOLE.Document key in the registry.

Problem fixed, but weird behavior.


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

16-01-2009 13:10:05

And now I cannot unregister the OLE server

manually from MarvinSketch, only by deleting the

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MarvinOLE.Document key in the registry.


Indeed, we know about this issue: OLE server uninstaller does not clean the registry.

Until we solve this problem, you can do it manually. But the trash reference in the registry does not cause problem in most cases, since the next installer update it automatically.

User f52820d97e

16-01-2009 13:18:32

OK about the OLE server, it's not a big deal;

It does not explain why I cannot put an OLE object in a word document. I don't need it really (I prefer pasting images) but some could, and may run into the same problem (which I haven't identified)