molconvert: The syntax of the command is incorrect. v5.1.4

User 677b9c22ff

10-01-2009 02:30:17


molconvert.bat shows the help when used as single command,

however with other commands it just says:


C:\chemistry\work>molconvert sdf C8H16O2.smi

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

C:\chemistry\work>molconvert C8H16O2.smi sdf -o cd.sdf

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

C:\chemistry\work>molconvert sdf C8H16O2.smi  -o c8H16O2.sdf

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

This is Marvin 5.1.4 using the Windows Installer.

There might be problems with all other batch files, see cxcalc forum.


User 677b9c22ff

10-01-2009 20:42:37


the error is due to the new parameter checks in the bat file (please see also cxcalc and others).


Use batch file from 5.1.3 or older versions.

or edit the batch file in the erroneous part:

REM check first two characters of the parameter

set pam=%1

set hpam=%pam:~0,2%

Somehow I lost my ability to debug DOS Batch files so I don't know

the answer to the second solution.


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-01-2009 13:17:51

Hi Tobias,

Can you attach the molconvert batch file where this problem is occured. I could not reproduce it with my own instance.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-01-2009 13:50:29

I assume that the problem that you reported in this topic is the same that is mentioned in an other one:

User 677b9c22ff

14-01-2009 01:04:03

