[Linux]Pasting from MarvinSketch to OpenOffice

User dd690dad0e

19-12-2008 13:53:14

Hello everyone,

I'm new to to Linux and MarvinSketch but I like it very much until now.

But I have a huge problem, for which I need your help:

(If it is of interest, I am using Ubuntu 8.04)

How do I properly paste a chemical structure into an openoffice document? Since the OLE-Server is only working in Windows, I cannot use direct pasting.

If I save the structure as an image, it always seems to save to whole space around the structure with it, no matter which format I take. So I end up with a lot of white space around it which wastes a lot of space and makes it unacceptable.

So either there is a way to save it as an image properly, which I dont know, or maybe someone knows a better way of pasting it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

19-12-2008 14:33:14

If you use MolConverter the molecule will be fitted to the image size (no empty spaces around it).

Save your structure into MRV then convert it to any image format:

molconvert jpeg:w200,h200 mystructure.mrv -o mystructure.jpeg

User dd690dad0e

19-12-2008 15:08:29

Thanks for the quick answer.

Since my Linux-Knowledge is still limited, I also have problems to use molconvert.

When I try to use the molconvert command, i get the following reply:

bash: molconvert: command not found

Do you know how to solve this?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

19-12-2008 15:44:23

The molconvert application is located in the bin directory of Marvin Beans package. If you set Marvin Beans with installer, probably it is located somewhere here: $HOME/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/bin (where $HOME is your home directory on your linux system, e.g.: /home/tamas).

If the above directory is enumerated in the system PATH variable, you can access this application from everywhere in your Linux system without any prefix.

If not, you have to give its relative or absolute path to be able to access it.

If you are not familiar with modifying the PATH variable, I recommend the following options to launch application:

I. Enter into the bin directory of Marvin Beans and give its the application's relative path.

cd $HOME/ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/bin


II. An alternative way is giving the absolute path of the application:
