I cannot save the structure on MarvinSketch

User bcf2e9ee23

04-12-2008 08:48:42


I cannot save any structure on MarvinSketch.

When I save the structure, the task of MarvinSketch is almost 100% on the Task Manager. The window for save or something like that is not displayed. The software seems be freezed.

Please let me know the work arround.

The Version is: MarvinSketch 5.1.3_2 (build 2008-11-13)

JRE version : 1.5.0_11 (this JRE is including the installer of Marvin)

Note: There is no JRE icon on the control panel.

The software was uninstalled, then re-installed without any error.

However, the error is not solved yet.

Thank you for your support.

Best regard,


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

04-12-2008 13:38:57

We could not reproduce this issue.

Are you sure that you have selected a directory for saving where you have write privilege?

Which operating system do you use?

Have you got any error message on the error console? If you launch MarvinSketch by MarvinSketch.exe, error messages are logged into error.log (in the MarvinBeans directory where also the exe file is located). If you start it via msketch.bat (from command prompt), the error message displays in the same command window.

Have you tried launch MarvinSketch with other Java versions? Probably, it is a platform specific Java bug that occurs only in a certain configuration.

User bcf2e9ee23

05-12-2008 00:59:55

Hi Tamas,

The operating system I use is Windows XP Pro SP3 Japanese version with IE7.0.

I did followings, but the problem is not resolved.

1) uninstalled Marvin Beans from the control panel.

2) Downloaded JRE 1.5.0_16 from the java.com, then installed into my PC. (This version is the latest version.)

3) Installed the Marvin Beans without JRE version. The error message was displayed, "jvm.dll does not find."

4) Run MarvinSketch.exe via the short cut on the desktop, then set the save folder to the folder under My Document. Therefore, the write privilege is givven.

5) Both command "Save" and "Open" do not work. MarvinSketch.exe seems to be hungging up. However I could draw the chemical structure without error.

6) There is no error log file on the folder "C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\MarvinBeans".

I cannot obtain the trace log from the Java Console. The console was not launched, I don't know why.

The screenshot of the about windown is enclosed.

I appreciate your support.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 909aee4527

05-12-2008 10:33:00

Dear Hiro-san,

we suspect that it can be caused by a Look & Feel problem.

We support the JGoodies Look&Feel, and in case of applications we also use it as the default Look&Feel.

The problem with the Look&Feel is that it uses the Tahoma font, which does not support Japanese characters. When you invoke the File > Open or Save, there can be a problem if the dialog does not understand the path.

Please try to change the Look&Feel in Edit > Preferences > Display tab to anything else, for example to Windows.

Please report if this solves your problem or not.

Kind regards,


User bcf2e9ee23

08-12-2008 04:29:10

Hi Judit, Support Team,

I checked my preference on MarvinSketch.

The default font was SansSerif, and I changed to another one.

However the problem still occurs. On the other hand, the Look&Feel option could make to solve my problem.

The result I did were summarized below:

1) Changed font to Arial (bundled in MS-Office JPN edition), but Open/Save Dialog box could not displayed.

2) Changed font set to the Japanese font which is released from Microsoft Japa, but both dialog boxes were not displayed.

3) Changed Look & Feel to "Windows" or "JGoodies Plastic XP" from "Metal", but problem did not resolved.

4) Changed LooK&Feel to CDE/Motif, both Open and Save dialog box are displayed correctly.

Thank you so much your support.

Recently I was in MDL Japan office as Sr. Application Specialist (FAS) for ISIS, DiscoveryGate and CrossFire Product. So I notice that MrvinSketch is better than ISIS/Draw, i.e. better look & feel, more understanding and modern interface. I prefer MarvinSketch.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 909aee4527

08-12-2008 09:04:41

Dear Hiro-san,

thank you very much for the feedback.

If you wish Metal Look&Feel to work, you need to manually delete the "looks-2.1.4.jar" file which is located under the "lib" subdirectory of the Marvin installation directory, for example C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\MarvinBeans\lib\looks-2.1.4.jar.

Removing this file is secure and does not affect the behavior of the program.

We will try to resolve the Look&Feel problem so you don't have to change the look&feel in future versions.

Kind regards,


User bcf2e9ee23

10-12-2008 00:21:23

Hi Judit and Support team,

Although I removed looks-2.1.4.jar file, the problem is still occurred. The Open/Save windows are not displayed with the Metal Look & Feel option.

However it is enough to use as tryout. If you have further option to resolve this, pelase let me know. I may be able to cooperate with you about this problem.

Best regards,
