User 870ab5b546
20-02-2005 07:48:30
I recently had occasion to download Netscape 7.02 for Classic MacOS (I didn't know it existed before today!), and I have tried it with MarvinSketch. I have previously used MarvinSketch within both Netscape 4.79 (Classic MacOS) and Netscape 7.02 for MacOS X, so I am aware of the differences between the Swing and AWT versions. Within Netscape 7.02 for Classic MacOS, MarvinSketch has a strange hybrid behavior. For example:
- The AWT version is delivered, although you say that Swing is supported for Netscape 7.
The File, Edit, etc. menus don't appear, like in AWT.
I can use the Bond button to select special bond types like Single Up and Single Down, as in Swing.
Control-click on an atom brings up the primary pop-up menu (Charge ->, Radical -> Isotope -> etc.), like in Swing, but the secondary menus (from which values can be chosen) don't appear.
If I click on the up-arrow button to open the secondary MarvinSketch window, the File, etc. menus don't appear in the Mac menu bar.
If I select on an atom in this secondary window, the Atom menu appears in the bar, but I get the charge menu regardless of whether I choose Charge ->, Isotope ->, Radical ->, etc.