Extended Smiles with coordinates

User 7b0ee04e66

26-11-2008 15:32:40


I store alignment templates as Extended Smiles with co-ordinates.

The user draws the template they wish to align to using Marvin Sketch,

(see Macrocycle.mrv)

Molecule mol = m_MarvinSketchPane.getMol();

String sMol = mol.exportToFormat("cxsmiles:+c");

sMol = CC(C)(C)OC(=O)N[C@H]1CCCCC\C=C/[C@@H]2C[C@]2(CC(=C)[C@@H]2C[C@H](CN2C1=O)OC(=O)N1CC2=CC=CC(F)=C2C1)C(=O)NS(=O)(=O)C1CC1 |r,c:14,39,42,t:37,(-10.46,1.54,;-10.86,.05,;-11.26,-1.44,;-12.19,.82,;-9.53,-.72,;-8.19,.05,;-8.19,1.59,;-7.1,-1.04,;-5.61,-.64,;-4.02,-1.92,;-5.11,-3.01,;-4.71,-4.49,;-3.22,-4.89,;-2.13,-3.8,;-.65,-4.2,;.44,-3.11,;.04,-1.63,;1.58,-1.63,;.81,-.29,;.04,1.04,;-1.5,1.04,;-1.89,-.45,;-2.58,2.13,;-2.11,3.59,;-3.35,4.5,;-4.6,3.59,;-4.12,2.13,;-5.46,1.36,;-6.95,1.76,;-3.35,6.04,;-2.27,7.13,;-2.66,8.62,;-.73,7.13,;-.25,5.66,;1.29,5.66,;2.32,4.52,;3.83,4.84,;4.3,6.3,;3.27,7.45,;4.04,8.78,;1.77,7.13,;.52,8.03,;2.3,.11,;2.3,1.65,;3.64,-.66,;4.97,.11,;4.57,1.59,;6.06,1.2,;6.06,-.98,;5.29,-2.32,;6.83,-2.32,)|

When the Molecule is displayed back to the user, it appears modified (e.g. the chirality is not displayed on the same bonds as before).

mol = MolImporter.importMol(sMol);


What can I do to solve this problem?

I am trying to avoid storing the Mol File, or the mrv file.

I have attached the molecule before and after.

I am using Marvin 5.1.1



User 7b0ee04e66

26-11-2008 16:18:00

The original molecule is Macrocycle.mrv



ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

26-11-2008 16:18:12

It seems to be a bug.

I will examine it ASAP


User 7b0ee04e66

26-11-2008 16:20:11



ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

29-11-2008 09:59:50

Dear Catherine,

I have examined the problem.

As far as I understand the problem is not that the stereo information of the molecule changes but the wedges are rearranged.

Am I right, is this the case?

If so, than I should say that cxsmiles is not retaining the wedge arrangement. Only the wiggly bonds are preserved.

The reason is the following:

Generally, smiles information does not contain any coordinate information, so fixing wedges to bonds may easily contradict with the given parity specification if coordinates generated during the display process.

So I would suggest you to use different molecule format, which retains this information, like mrv.


User 7b0ee04e66

02-12-2008 08:31:21


Yes, you are correct, the chirality has not changed but the wedges have.

smiles information does not contain any coordinate information, so fixing wedges to bonds may easily contradict with the given parity specification if coordinates generated during the display process.

But I am using Extended Smiles with co-ordinates, so the co-ordinates should not be generated but read from the file ?

Do you mean that the wedges and hash depiction are not stored and created on the fly?



ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

02-12-2008 08:54:32


But I am using Extended Smiles with co-ordinates, so the co-ordinates should not be generated but read from the file ?

Do you mean that the wedges and hash depiction are not stored and created on the fly?
Exactly. The wedge and hash bond information is not stored but created on the fly.

I agree that in case of Extended Smiles if the coordinates are stored it would be possible retain wedge and hash bond information, but we have not think about that until now as the parity information which is chemically equivalent whit this is already stored in the smiles string.


User 7b0ee04e66

02-12-2008 09:14:26


We would be very keen if you were to implement it in one of the future versions.



ChemAxon 990acf0dec

08-12-2008 13:48:55

Hi Catherine,

We decided to implement this feature, but we are full until 5.2, so this can happen only after; probably in 5.2.1.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

06-04-2009 17:20:55

Hi Catherine,

We have implemented this feature. It will be available in Marvin 5.2.1, coming out soon.


User 7b0ee04e66

29-04-2009 14:29:58

Thank you very much, I have just tested it and it is perfect.
