Transferring Structures from OSX to Windows

User 518a032588

21-10-2008 20:27:11

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can help me. When I draw chemical structures into Marvin they look great. Then I transfer them to MS Word..and they look great. However, when I email the .doc to my friend who has a PC, or when I submit reports via .doc to PC's, they can't see my chemical structures.

It simply comes up with a msg saying:

"Quicktime and a TIFF (uncompressed) decompressor are needed to view this file"

Can someone help me??

I use the most recent version of Marvin (5.1.2)

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

21-10-2008 21:39:41

What are you pasting into Word? Please send us the following two pieces of info:

1. In MarvinSketch select the Edit > Preferences option, and list which checkboxes are switched on

2. After copying the structure, please select the Paste Special option in Word, and list which options are available.

And one more question: does your friend opens the .doc file also with MS Word, or with Open Office?


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

22-10-2008 09:48:37

Can you describe your and your friends' system environments (operating system, Java version, MS-Office version)?

I assume that you use OS X and copy the structure into MS Office for Mac. Your friend's OS may be a Windows system with MS-Office.

Can you confirm this info?

If yes, in this case, Marvin copies structure as image into Word in OS X. It means that Office for Windows cannot handle the standard bitmap image format (TIFF) of Mac.

I can recommend you the following workaround:

Save structure as image (PNG) in OS X and paste this image file into your office document. The PNG format is a portable image. It should display fine on other platforms.

User 518a032588

27-10-2008 16:15:00

I use Grab, an application on OS X which takes a 'photo' of the chemical structure, but this does not work. I have also tried copy and pasting the structure into MS Word but this does not work either.

I use Word 2004 for Mac and the PC users are on XP and they open the document in word. They are able to see my text but not the structures. Ill give you more info soon..

User 518a032588

27-10-2008 18:58:32

The Bitmap image box is checked, and so is the chemical structure box (but thats greyed out)

As for MS word: in paste special options it is pasted as a picture.

I'll try your help and let you know if it works.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

29-10-2008 15:32:41

Thanks for the confirmation. Indeed, Marvin copies image in this case.

The structure box is grayed out to avoid switching it off by the user. The structure is always placed in certain chemical formats (that only chemical editors accept) to the clipboard but it does not have influence to the image copy. In the following document, you can read more about it: Cut/Copy/Paste and Drag & Drop Functionality

The portability of MS documents with pasted Mac image is a general MS Office problem (it does not linking strictly to Marvin).

I recommend to seek Mac and MS-Office forums for this issue. After a quick search, I have found this post on a Mac forum.

It describes the same problem and suggest a couple of workarounds.