NullPointerException if include multiple MarvinView applets

User 276469282f

08-02-2005 18:32:01


I get a NullPointerException thrown at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicPopupMenuUI.uninstallListeners





The exception is thrown when loading a html page that includes the MarvinView applet several times (e.g. 10) for different structures. The exceptions are not thrown for the same structures when I reload the page.

I used the code snippet

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">


mview_begin("applets/marvin", 130, 100);

mview_param("mol", '"/>');

mview_param("background", "#D9E3FF");






ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

09-02-2005 14:21:19

I have not managed to reproduce this problem.

Please give us more info about the software environment (where this error is reproduceable).

- OS type

- browser type

- Java version

- Marvin version

You can grep this info very easy. Just select "About Java VM" menu item in Marvin's Help menu.

Can you show me an URL where we can reproduce this error?

User 276469282f

10-02-2005 13:36:35

Hi Tamas,

the environment is:

- MarvinView/Swing 3.3.3

- JVM: Sun 1.5.0

- Browser: sun.plugin 1.1

- OS: x86 Windows XP 5.1

I tried to reproduce the error today, but I couldn't! Maybe the error was fixed by restarting the machine. Can I contact you again if I see the error again?



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-02-2005 13:49:45

I tried to reproduce the error today, but I couldn't! Maybe the error was fixed by restarting the machine. Can I contact you again if I see the error again?
Yes, certainly. Notify us if this error would appear again.