User 3d9ae0af2d
18-09-2008 16:43:39
I use MacOS X 10.5.5 on a MacBook Pro and Marvin Sketch 5.0.07. SDFs seem to be automatically assigned to MarvinView. However, when I doubleclick an SDF, I get an empty MarvinView window.
So I tried to change the assigned application for SDFs to MarvinSketch. This only works for single files, not for all SDFs - it's always been re-set to MarvinView. However, even when setting the preferred application to open a particular SDF to MarvinSketch, I end up with an empty window and have to manually open the file from the menu.
What can I do to open all SDFs with MarvinSketch by default and have them displayed right in the application?
Many thanks!
Best regards,
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
19-09-2008 12:46:30
Indeed, it is a lack of MarvinSketch under OS X. We will investigate how to solve this problem.
I recommend the following workaround:
Grab the required file and drag into the opened MarvinSketch. The given file will be display in the sketcher.
User 3d9ae0af2d
19-09-2008 12:58:42
Hi Tamas,
thanks - this is the way I do it right now. Looking forward to your solution of this problem!
Best regards,
User 3d9ae0af2d
07-01-2010 15:11:19
Hello all,
I would like to bring this up again. Meanwhile I work a lot with SDFs, and opening them on OS X (now Snow Leopard) still doesn't work by simply double clicking. Neither dragging an SDF to Marvin Sketch in the Dock will work. Have you guys at Chemaxon made any progress with that?
Furthermore, SDFs with custom fields wont display those in Marvin View on the Mac, even when "Show Fields" is enabled. Therefore I still switch to Windows 2000 (in Parallels) when I have to deal with SDFs.
Would be great if Marvin would work the same way on MacOS X as it does on Windows.
Best wishes,
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
14-01-2010 15:05:37
We will be checking this issue.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
16-02-2010 16:35:44
We are working on this issue.
When you take a double-click on molecule file to display it in sketcher/viewer, OS X invokes special events that receiver application (Marvin) should handle. Current Marvin does not handle these special OS X events.
We are working on the implementation of this handler for Marvin applications.
I hope we can complete it till next release (5.3.1).
User 3d9ae0af2d
18-02-2010 13:06:26
thank you for the update, Tamas - I'm looking forward to have this full functionality in Marvin also on Mac OS X!
Best wishes,
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
25-02-2010 18:57:20
Hi Thomas,
As I have already informed you at another topic, we had to make an urgent patch release that was named 5.3.1, therefore the solution to this issue is planned to be included only in the patch release coming at the end of March (probably named 5.3.2).
Best regards,
User 3d9ae0af2d
26-02-2010 09:25:33
thank you for the information, Akos!
Best regards,
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
05-03-2010 18:12:09
- File association lack (open molecule in viewer by double-click on the molecule file) has been completed.
- Dragging issue (dragged molecule file into MarvinView did not display) has been fixed.
Both bugfix will be available in next release.
User 3d9ae0af2d
12-03-2010 10:18:04
Thanks Tamas, great to hear that!
Best wishes,
User 3d9ae0af2d
26-04-2010 14:49:58
Hi all,
I just installed the latest Marvin version - now this bug has been fixed and Marvin works well under MacOS X. Many thanks to the developers!
Best wishes,
User 3d9ae0af2d
21-06-2012 09:49:49
Hi again,
old story reloaded: on MacOS 10.6.8 I have associated all .sdf files with Marvin Sketch. Works okay, Marvin Sketch opens when a SDF is double clicked. It does however only show a blank canvas, it doesn't open the file.
Any hints?
Thank you!
Best wishes,
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
25-06-2012 14:28:37
No idea. But we will check it.
User 3d9ae0af2d
25-06-2012 14:52:39
thank you for taking care of this, Tamas. If I understand my old postings correctly, this used to work in the past. I haven't used Marvin for a long time however (one of my colleagues is making the SDF conversion of existing structures, and she's using Windows), so I can't say when it stopped working.
Best regards,
User 3d9ae0af2d
02-07-2012 14:16:03
Hi Tamas,
strange thing - today it works again as it should (I had to re-boote my Mac in the meantime). So, nothing to care about, Marvin Sketch perfectly opens an SDF upon double clicking!
Best wishes,
User 3d9ae0af2d
03-07-2012 08:25:57
Good morning,
I have a bit more insight now: when opening the first SDF (double clicking, Marvin Sketch stzarts up), it opens a blank canvas. Clicking the next SDF while Marvin is still open, this SDF will open in the blank window. Any further SDF will open in a new window.
This is reproducible here.
Best regards,
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
11-07-2012 12:57:37
Dear Thomas,
Thank you for notifying us. Tamás is on Holiday now, but when he comes back, he will investigate it.
Best Regards,
User 3d9ae0af2d
11-07-2012 13:04:44
No big deal, Efi!
Just returned from a trip and fired up Marvin for the first time - works as it should. Isn't that strange? It might just be my system (and perhaps the lunar phase as well...).
All the best,
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
19-07-2012 11:34:26
Hi Thomas,
It is quite a long time (so I am getting sure that the reason is not the "lunar phase" ), but we could not reproduce this behaviour. Does Marvin work well for you, recently? Or it is happened again?
User 3d9ae0af2d
08-08-2012 10:25:21
Hi Efi,
sorry for the long delay - I was on vacation, too.
Just tried again after updating Marvin to the latest version. At the first launch (doubleclicking an SDF in Finder) an empty Marvin Sketch window pops up. After that - closing Marvin Sketch and doubleclicking an SDF again - everything works fine.
Best regards,
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
31-08-2012 00:33:22
Hi Thomas,
we still could not be able to reproduce this issue on our environment, and we assume this may be a paralelism related issue, that shows up in your system but not in ours, I am filling an issue ticket on this to our bug tracking system, and we will try to investigate this issue in the near future further.
We will notify you in this topic if we have any new clue or suggestion or perhaps a fix for this behaviour. In the mean time thank you for your patience and also for your bug report.
User 3d9ae0af2d
31-08-2012 08:37:01
Hi Istvan,
no big deal - it's rather a minor problem. I can reproduce it here (just tried again).
If you need any help to track this down, just let me know here.
Best regards,