User 62d78b5e4b
21-08-2008 13:24:32
Why I can't copy as Marvin OLE using latest Marvin version. Is this Marvin problem? An how can I fix it? Or maybe someone have solution of this problem?
ChemAxon 2db1f4037e
21-08-2008 17:36:38
Marvin OLE can not be used on Linux versions.
In Windows versions, the issue can be caused by multiple problems.
- OLE server is not registered
Check at Marvin Edit/Preferences/OLE Server tab, if the server is registered. It should point to your Marvin installation dir/lib/MarvinOLEServer.exe
Press Register button if needed, or run (as administrator in Vista) the marvinOLEServer.exe at your marvin/lib directory.
- OLE copy is not checked
See edit/preferences/copy tab, make sure OLE is checked.
Note: restart of Marvin may be required
Best regards
Istvan Cseh