Marvin OLE does not update structure

User 8139ea8dbd

08-08-2008 17:52:45

In the latest version 5.1.0.

Double click a Marvin OLE object in Word to edit.

Then Ctrl+A and Delete to clear the object

Edit/Paste in another structure

Close the MarvinSketch

MarvinSketch thinks the structure has not been modified and the original structure is retained in the Word document.

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

11-08-2008 14:22:28


I cannot reproduce it, it works fine on my computer...

What kind of OS do you use? Please also send me the version number of your MS Word.

Thank you and best,


User 8139ea8dbd

11-08-2008 16:22:35

Vista x64 + Word2007.

However, I don't think the bug is related to either Vista or Word.

When you do Ctrl+A delete, then Edit/Paste, the Marvin Sketch probably does not flag that the structure has been changed and need a redraw.

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

11-08-2008 16:27:02

Thank you for the info, we will investigate the problem.

ChemAxon 2db1f4037e

21-08-2008 14:19:01

Dear Yingyao,

We have tried several configurations, including yours, but were not been able to reproduce the issue.

It can not be a dirty bit problem as you assumed, since the ole requests the actual molecule every time before closing the sketch.

If it is not confidental, please send us the doc file you have problems with, and we can investigate further.

Best regards,

Istvan Cseh

User 8139ea8dbd

21-08-2008 16:24:16

Step 1. Open the attached Word2007 file (I am in Vista Ultimate x64)

(Forum does not allow me to upload .docx file, so I zip it)

Step 2. Open MarvinSketch (ver 5.0.7)

Draw naphthalene, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, copy it to clipboard

Step 3. Double click the benzene in the word file to edit,

in the MarvinSketch pop up window, Ctrl-A, Delete, Ctrl-V

paste in napthalene.

Step 4. Click on "X" to close the popup window

The structure in the word07 file remains as benzene.

ChemAxon 2db1f4037e

21-08-2008 17:42:45

Dear Yingyao,

As you can see in your screenshots, that is not Marvin version 5.1, but 5.0.7.

The OLE server has been redesigned in 5.1, and contains some imporvements, and fixes.

Please, update to 5.1, and check if the problem persists.

Best regards,

Istvan Cseh

User 8139ea8dbd

22-08-2008 04:37:22

Thank you, it was totally my fault. Well I thought I installed 5.1.0, apparently not.

Yes, in 5.1.0 the problem is gone. The display is also much nicer.

However, when I have a small benzene ring in the word file, I double click and try to edit, the editing window is so small that it is very hard to manipulate. Is there a way to make it popup when one edits?

ChemAxon 2db1f4037e

22-08-2008 06:04:42


Unfortunately there is no option to make it pop-up, but you can resize the object before editing it, so you will have larger area to work.

It is not so comfortable, but currently this is the best you can do when editing small objects.

Best regards,

Istvan Cseh

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

22-08-2008 12:20:23

I update the extension control to allow .docx, .xlsx and .pptx
